American Beauties Native Plants®

Cavano’s became a licensed grower of American Beauties Native Plants® in 2023. The American Beauties mission to promote native plants that bring beauty and life to the gardens of all consumers fits well with Cavano’s ideals.
Pollinators and native plants. With roughly one hundred different cultivars of herbaceous perennials in the Cavano’s American Beauties line, you will discover the seasonality that exists within the program. Your displays will always have something new and exciting to offer – and the pollinators will thank you for it. American Beauties has allowed us to create our program based on the strongest native selections that are best for the Mid-Atlantic region.

The vetting processes. American Beauties qualifies growers by proof of utilizing growing practices that are safe for pollinators. Cavano’s Perennials does not use neonicotinoid pesticides for any purpose on the nursery, making it the highest level of safety growers can achieve in the qualifying system. Caterpillar chew marks on your Asclepias is proof of this!
Giving back. Part of the business plan of American Beauties is supporting research and conservation organizations. Customers can feel that they have made a difference in their backyard as well as the larger native ecosystem due to this support. Putting money back into the community, as well as supporting independent garden centers in their events and education is one of the ways that American Beauties gives back.